Thursday, August 06, 2009

Give Yourself Credibility

You want me to use your do I know I can trust you to deliver?

In today's world there are people who are good at promoting themselves but when it comes to their credibility they fail to meet up to standards. They can sell but they cannot deliver.

If you know how to deliver then you have every right to promote yourself. So what must you do?

Build trust between you and your customers.

First, make yourself person, in your writings, on the Internet, on video and in print.

Secondly, get endorsements from satisfied customers. They can be in print or a video clip of their comments.

Next, create some media support. This can be a newspaper story on you, make an appearance as a guest on a local or national TV program, record an interview with you and post it on the Internet, and look for places for you to showcase your talents.

One more idea is start don't have to be a book. Writing articles for magazines or Internet sites can give you credibility. Start by writing your own blog and creating your own e-Newsletter as I have.

Most of these ideas will not cost you a dime except for your time and energy. But what you will get in exchange will be priceless. Just one newspaper story is equal to hundreds of dollars if you were to buy the ad space.

Make yourself credible so people will know how incredible your are!
Did I say that right?

Steve Hart