Thursday, September 11, 2008

Secrets to Successful Marketing

You can have talent. Your performance can be outstanding but if you don't know how to market yourself then you will never be successful in today's markets.

It was during the 19th century in England when the use of calling cards were an absolute necessity otherwise you would not be received. It was an essential part of introductions, invitations, and visits.

Calling cards or letters of introduction were sent ahead to pave the way and help a stranger connect with others of like society. This ritual would let the recipient know that the stranger was well connected and highly regarded.

When a stranger would arrive to town, he would send his card, with directions, to those to who he would expect to call upon him. It was common for the stranger to meet with those within your own profession even though you did not know them. If you did not receive a card then it was automatically understood your acquaintance was not welcomed.

I am not suggesting you adopt the above as a way of doing business but I am suggesting you consider the dynamics of how and why this became a common way of doing business.

It’s been said, “It is not who you know but rather who knows you that counts…”

Today the use of modern technology such as cells phones and your presence on the Internet have replaced this way of doing business. Do you have a business strategy using these tools?

Do you have a marketing plan that will put your name in front of as many people as you can?

Are you using the Internet to market yourself? Do you know how?

When someone mentions your name, what do they say about you? What do you want them to say about you?

I am not big on writing out business plans (as soon as you create one it is out dated) but you must have a marketing plan to attract the type of customers you want.

It starts with knowing who you are and what it is that you have to give. Next it’s all about knowing your target markets and how to position yourself within those markets.
My guess is….. most of you are stuck within the last two sentences.

If you need help, contact me. I have several tools and techniques that will give you the answers to the questions above.

Your first coaching session with me is FREE! Email me to set up your first coaching call.

Steve Hart