Friday, October 19, 2007

Busting Loose From the Money Game

Are you inflicted by the money game?

According to a recent survey the leading cause of stress is money 49% Work 33% and relationships 18%.

How do you know if you are winning the money game?

This game is the most emotionally charged game you will every play.

It is the leading cause of stress, pressure, and dissatisfaction.

Do you know all the rules to the game?

I just finished reading a book by Bob Schenfield, titled, “Busting Loose from the Money Game.” I am reluctant to share it with you since his ideas is completely different compared to most people.

Me, I found I agreed with 90% of what he said and then really struggling with the other 10%.

To get a quick idea of what I am talking about, Bob has produced an on-line video for you watch. The video runs for about 45 minutes. Its content is worth the watch.

Bob is a self-made millionaire, a family man, an info-preneurer from Charlottesville, VA.

I have been a student of Bob’s teaching for five years since he first produced a training program he calls today “the Ultimate Lifestyle Academy” and then after that two books “The Invisible Path of Success” and “The 11th Element.”

In the upper right hand corner of this blog there is a link to Bob's Website "Bustin Loose" there he will explain his methods. Tour his Website. Be sure and watched the video.

Bob says there are no rules. He destroys all myths and he says you can’t win the game. What do you do? You create a new game!

He makes money a “non-issue” turning money into energy which is the fulfillment of your desires. You may think I am crazy but I highly recommend to take a look at this and free yourself from the money game.

The money game will keep you from fulfilling your mission. I know I got caught in the trap. I have gotten sidetracked. I am playing a new game now.

I now have a whole new strategy to fulfilling my purpose in life. I have discovered the money comes when I stay focused upon my secret agreement and my purpose in life.

I am now going through a process of reclaiming the power to create what I want.
You can too but first you must understand it is all an illusion and you can't win playing the money game.

Steve Hart