Thursday, May 08, 2008

Planning For Retirement?

Today’s statistics show that four out of every ten people will retire earlier than they intended and NOT because they want to……..they will have no choice.

Will you be ready for retirement? Face it, retirement for you will not be the same as it was for your parent’s generation.

You will either lose your job due to health, downsizing, re-location, or loss of business.

When you think you have prepared for retirement, take another look, the rules have changed. All your expected savings will fall short of giving you what you want.

During the year 2006 the average American personal rate of savings has fell below zero.
This is the first time this has happened since the great depression. You are spending more money than you are saving. You are losing the money game.

What happened?

Change is speeding up. Economic shifts, trends, the American family lifestyle, the loss of job security, credit card debt, the real estate crunch, the disappearing middle class, increased stress, not to mention retirement benefits are disappearing and the cost of living continues to rise.

Sounds scary? What will you do? The answer…….embrace the change!!!

If you think this all sounds hopeless then please listen to what I have to say….

The only way to win the kind of retirement lifestyle you desire is to change the way you think. If you choose not to, then you will be deeply disappointed and your retirement will be your hell.

Changing the way you think begins when you allow change in your belief system, your focus, and your values.

For example, life is NOT about what you can get but rather what you have to give. Life is NOT about collecting things but rather finding purpose and meaning in life. Giving and living life with purpose is an art that you can learn and master.

If this is not already happening in your life then I challenge you to seek out your purpose, once you know with clarity your purpose then you will find everything you have been looking for and your senior years will be the most rewarding years yet.

If you need direction and you want help, I can point you in the right direction or offer my services as a personal life coach and help you get what you want.

Please email at:

Steve Hart