Friday, December 14, 2007

Taking Control Over the Enemy

What do you do when you feel you are not in control?

Sometimes you have to stand up and fight back. But before you do that you have to know who you are fighting against. Be very careful when choosing your enemy.
I will explain later.

Taking control starts by educating yourself. Raise your self-awareness. Change your current behavior patterns. How?

Begin by talking to someone who can objectively give you advice, someone who can see your blind spots and give you positive encouragement.

Also search for books, audio, video, or Websites that will stimulate your thinking.

The secret is in seeing the big picture. You are so close to your problems you don’t see the answers. Maybe it is time to back up. Re-position your thinking. Get a bigger picture of what is really happening.

The answers to your questions are right in front of you, give yourself permission to let go and back up. See the truth behind your frustrations. Learn how to position yourself so you can avoid the traps of getting side track, distracted, or discouraged.

Once again I encourage you to take time out and set in complete silence. Let go of all the noise within your head and connect with your higher self. This time of meditation is critical if you want to be successful.

Write out a list of your questions. Enter those thoughts into your meditation. Don’t try and force the answers, just submit them. Sometimes the answers will not come until later that day or the next day. Exercise faith and the answers will come.

So who is the enemy?

Take a deep look inside. It’s your ego.

Your ego is a part of your defense system. It was programmed to protect you. It is designed for your survival. But once you become aware of the real you, your higher self then it is no longer needed.

Instead your ego will hold you back. Its interest is in serving you and only you. It has no interest in your creativity or your service toward other people. It’s self centered. It will promote fear, doubt, and frustration, anything to keep you from pursuing your purpose.

When you feel as though others are working against you, take a step back and understand it is your own ego projecting that illusion upon you. The truth is no one has control of you and your thoughts except you. Whoa! that again.

Take responsibility of your own thoughts and actions. When you take control and see yourself as you’re really are that is when you become a winner and your ego will loose its control on you.

Steve Hart

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Take Control of Your Thoughts

Taking control of your thoughts is a pivotal point of your success. You say, “I can control my thoughts.” but the truth is you lack the power to do so. You say you want success, yet you have trouble following through.

The average person thinks about twelve thousand thoughts per day. A deeper thinker may have over fifty thousand thoughts daily. If this is true, “How can I control all of my thoughts?”

The truth is you can not. But you can control the thoughts that do damage and learn how to stay focused upon the thoughts that will get you what you want.

Not all thoughts are going to do damage. They fly in and fly out. But they can become distracting. This is why you must learn to control your external and internal stimuli. It is critical that you consciously learn to turn off anything that distracts you from enjoying peace of mind.

How? First be aware what is happening. Turn the TV off. Stop listening to the radio. Choose your TV time wisely. Listen to music that has a positive effect upon you. Avoid conversations on issues you have no control over. After you have disciplined the amount of outside distractions you will find your mind free to stay focused upon your true desires.

Next it is critical that you remember who are you?

You are a person with a mission! You have an assignment to fulfill, a sense of purpose. The only thing that will give you complete joy and happiness is fulfilling your mission. When you identify who you are, including your talents, gifts, and strengths, you will be empowered to keep your mind focused upon what you really want and avoid distractions.

Most people never take the time to discover who they really are. That is why they need you. That is why they want to hear your message. They are searching to discover wisdom and themselves instead they are totally distracted by the world around them.

Once you know who you are and what it is you have to give, you will discover your passions. When you know what motivates you then you can let your passions be the director of your thoughts. They will give you power and motivate you to stay focused.

Any thought that elicits an emotional response within your brain must be controlled. An emotional response is what gives your thoughts power. Your emotions will feed upon these thoughts and dominate your thinking. Therefore you must decide which thoughts you desire to dwell upon.

Your dominate thoughts will attract into your life what ever it is you are thinking about.

This is why it is so important you learn to control your thoughts.

Steve Hart

Friday, October 19, 2007

Busting Loose From the Money Game

Are you inflicted by the money game?

According to a recent survey the leading cause of stress is money 49% Work 33% and relationships 18%.

How do you know if you are winning the money game?

This game is the most emotionally charged game you will every play.

It is the leading cause of stress, pressure, and dissatisfaction.

Do you know all the rules to the game?

I just finished reading a book by Bob Schenfield, titled, “Busting Loose from the Money Game.” I am reluctant to share it with you since his ideas is completely different compared to most people.

Me, I found I agreed with 90% of what he said and then really struggling with the other 10%.

To get a quick idea of what I am talking about, Bob has produced an on-line video for you watch. The video runs for about 45 minutes. Its content is worth the watch.

Bob is a self-made millionaire, a family man, an info-preneurer from Charlottesville, VA.

I have been a student of Bob’s teaching for five years since he first produced a training program he calls today “the Ultimate Lifestyle Academy” and then after that two books “The Invisible Path of Success” and “The 11th Element.”

In the upper right hand corner of this blog there is a link to Bob's Website "Bustin Loose" there he will explain his methods. Tour his Website. Be sure and watched the video.

Bob says there are no rules. He destroys all myths and he says you can’t win the game. What do you do? You create a new game!

He makes money a “non-issue” turning money into energy which is the fulfillment of your desires. You may think I am crazy but I highly recommend to take a look at this and free yourself from the money game.

The money game will keep you from fulfilling your mission. I know I got caught in the trap. I have gotten sidetracked. I am playing a new game now.

I now have a whole new strategy to fulfilling my purpose in life. I have discovered the money comes when I stay focused upon my secret agreement and my purpose in life.

I am now going through a process of reclaiming the power to create what I want.
You can too but first you must understand it is all an illusion and you can't win playing the money game.

Steve Hart

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

The Secret Agreement

When I first began presenting my seminars I did my best to avoid the discussion of spiritual matters and how this plays into your success.

Over the years I have tested the response from my seminar attendees and I have found that most of you are eager to hear what I have to say regarding spiritual matters.

I have no interest in promoting religion but I am committed to raising your spiritual consciousness to a higher level. One that will serve you well and help you get what you want.

I begin by asking: Are you a 'human being' seeking a spiritual experience? Or are you a 'spiritual being' experiencing a human experience?

If you think your answer is the latter then I invite you to take a look at my new Website:

Steve Hart

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Motivating the Motivator

How do you keep yourself motivated?

When it is your job to help motivate other people it is obvious you must first
know how to motivate yourself.

What do you do when life does not always move in the direction you had planned? Even when you set goals, stay focused upon your desires and use the universal laws, you still live in a world with other people who get to make their own choices. Theirs may not always align themselves with yours.

Napoleon Hill says, "Every adversity, every failure, every heartache carries with it the seed of an equal or greater benefit."

This statement may not give you comfort in the midst of your crisis. But it does offer the motivation of looking for what great thing will come out of it.

It reminds me of the statement my coach use to make when I would get injured, riddled with pain, he would say, “It will feel better when it quits hurting.” Oh thanks coach for the words of encouragement.

At least Hill’s statement is based upon the universal laws knowing that some how you can turn your crisis into a greater benefit.

So when you are facing adversity how do you turn this around for your benefit?

Remember who you are!

The power to recover from any adversity is in your awareness of who you are. Knowing the “real you.” Knowing your strengths, gifts, and talents. Knowing your mission and sense of purpose. You have the power to shift everything to your favor by the use of your thoughts.

In other words, what will you dwell upon?

Will you dwell upon the pain? Feeling sorry for yourself? Allow thoughts of failure to control you? Or will you keep your thoughts and emotions focused upon turning this event into something positive?

When you admire others it is so easy to forget to look at the temporary defeats they had to experience. You forget that your chosen celebrities have all faced adversity to get where they are.

Hill later says, “No follower of this philosophy can reasonably expect to accumulate fortune without experiencing ‘temporary defeats'.....A Quitter Never Wins and a Winner Never Quits.”

Steve Hart

Sunday, June 10, 2007

The Law of Correspondence

You think the Law of Attraction as described in the movie “the Secret” is exciting ……...then wait till you hear this!

The law of attraction is one of many laws. The better you understand how these laws work the quicker you can put them to work for you. Your understanding of these laws will change your life and guarantee your success.

One of my chosen teachers for the last 20 years has been Brian Tracy. I have met Brian on several occasions as I have volunteered to work for him during his seminars. He has taught me so much including the practical applications of these universal laws.

Today, I want to introduce to you the Law of Correspondence. Read here as Brain gives you the best description I have ever read on this law.

The Law of Correspondence

Your outer world is a reflection of your inner world; it corresponds with your dominant patterns of thinking.

This is an extraordinary principle. It explains most happiness and unhappiness, most success and failure, most greatness and meaninglessness in life. After years of study in this area, I still stand in awe before this powerful law, like standing and looking out over the vastness of the Grand Canyon.

Just think! Your outer world reflects your inner world in every way. Nothing can happen to or for you in the long term until and unless it corresponds to something inside of you. If you want to change or improve anything in your life, you must begin by changing the inner aspects of your mind.

Sometimes this is called the "mental equivalent." Your greatest responsibility in life is to create within yourself the mental equivalent of what you want to experience on the outside. The fact is that you cannot achieve it on the outside until you have first created it on the inside.

It is as though your life is a 360-degree mirror. Wherever you look, there you are. Your relationships for example, always reflect back to you the kind of person you are on the inside. Your attitude, your health and your material conditions are a reflection of the way you think most of the time.

This is hard for most people to accept. Most people think that the problems in their lives are caused by other people and circumstances. They are shocked and angered to be told that they are the primary architects of everything that happens to them. They want others to change. They want the world to change. But they do not want to change themselves.

The Law of Correspondence is a foundation principle of virtually all religions and schools of thought. It is really great news. It is the key to personal freedom and happiness. It is the high road to great success and fulfillment.

There is only one thing in the world that you can control, and that is the way you think. However, when you take complete control over your thinking, you take control over all the other aspects of your life. By thinking and talking only about what you want, and by refusing to think or talk about what you don't want, you become the architect of your own destiny.

Brian Tracy

Brian Tracy Home Page Click Here

Brian Tracy is one of the world's leading authorities on personal and business success. His fast-moving talks and seminars on leadership, sales, managerial effectiveness and business strategy are loaded with powerful, proven ideas and strategies that people can immediately apply to get better results in every area.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

YOU, Inc. Book report

Book report.......

I recently picked up a new book, "YOU, Inc." (The art of selling Yourself.) written by Harry Beckwith and his wife Christine.

Its a guide to career and professional success. Really short chapters, to the point. Easy read.

I do a lot of writing in my books when I read them.

This is how I do all of my journal-ling.

What I write down may have nothing to do with the text but that was the moment I was thinking about it. To each his own way of doing things....

Steve Hart

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Keeping the Secret

After posting me previous comments I have decided to follow up with an explanation.

The movie the Secret was excellent but there is no way they could cover the whole subject of the law of attraction and all the other laws that work together with it.

For example the law of love, this law says you are purposed to love yourself, your work or service and to love others. This love is without judgment and without conditions. In other words you are not to judge yourself based upon preconceived beliefs and conditions. Why? Because your belief system will change over time as you grow wiser and true love is so pure you can’t perceive its truth.

There are serious conditions of the heart that will keep you from getting what you want, they are fear and un-forgiveness. Anyone who is holding on to fear and un-forgiveness will find themselves attracting an undesirable manifestation. As a result you may end up complicating your opposition by blaming others and avoiding responsibility.

My conclusion is if you are a victim to these conditions you will not understand or be open to hear the true message of the Secret. Instead you will experience pain and confusion.

How do you learn how to forgive? Jesus did the best job of explaining how to forgive. He did not say it would be easy.

How do I tell you not to fear? There takes a transformation from within to overcome fear.

Until you have a better understanding of how to deal with fear and forgiveness you may want and wait till you decided to put the law of attraction to work for you. Meanwhile know that you are loved and surround yourself with people who will give you that love.

I have already heard there is a second movie coming out. I hope it will explain more about the other laws that come into play when using the law of attraction.

Jesus said, “Blessed are your eyes for they see and your ears for they hear.”

Steve Hart

Revealing the Secret

Several years ago I first read “Think and Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill. This book blew me away. It challenged me to pursue my dreams and desires. Hill introduced to me the invisible steps of turning my desires into reality. I have read it over and over again. It has taken me years to comprehend and apply what it has taught me.

Then years later I stumble across what I call the hidden universal laws. Hill hinted of these laws but he did not go into great detail only an application. I wanted more. I wanted a deeper understanding.

Two years ago I was informed that a movie was coming out called the Secret! It would be addressing one of these hidden laws of the universe. I could hardly wait for its arrival.

When my copy of the DVD arrived in the mail I was blown away with its production quality and the message. It was exactly what I was looking for. I can’t tell you how many times I have watched this movie. I have invited numerous people over to watch it with me.

Within a year it was growing and becoming more and more popular. I knew it was only a matter of time before others would take a stand against what the Secret was teaching. The message was too dramatic not to face opposition.

I was curious to hear what others would say. How would they oppose its message?

All the arguments I have heard against the Secret have helped clarify my own understanding of how it works. I think the arguments against the Secret are coming from people who are seriously un-informed. Their conclusion falls short of how the law of attraction really works. It appears to me they are avoiding anything that sounds foreign to them.

One more thing that trips people up is the factor of time! This is mentioned in the movie but understanding how time plays a role in the process of the law of attraction is still yet to be made clear.

For the people who are not ready to accept this message, maybe now is it not the time for them.

Steve Hart

Monday, February 26, 2007

A Celebration

Do you feel your life is worth celebrating? Are you grateful for all that you have?
Have you attracted into your life the people, the work, the environment you desire?

Yesterday I took another one of my frequent walks along the ocean. The ocean and its sandy beach are magnificent! It is so big. It’s alive. It’s inspiring.

There I find people celebrating life. They stroll along the waters edge, ride their bikes, play games, fish, lay out in the sun, swim and surf. Everyone chooses their own way of celebrating life at the beach. It’s a spontaneous festival.

Joy, gratitude, inspiration and celebration are an expression of your success.
What do you desire?

Steve Hart

Friday, February 16, 2007

The Magic Castle in Hollywood, CA

What a magical experience! You can have delightful dinner and an evening of magic. It is all a class act. The food and service is excellent. The decor is entertaining. The shows are top notch world class entertainment. It is an experience you will never forget.

Its a private club for magicians and magic enthusiasts. It is also the home of the Academy of Magical Arts, a world wide organization promoting the advancement of the art of magic.

I just returned from a weeks engagement at the Castle. This was my fifth time to perform there. The audiences are great. Everyone comes to enjoy the magic. The Castle provides several shows every night in the Close-up Gallery, the Parlour of Prestidigitation, and Palace of Mystery. Extra shows are held at the W. C. Fields Bar and the Houdini Seance Room.

You never know who you are going to see visiting the Castle. People from the TV and film industry visit frequently since it is a private club, the house rules, no photos and no autographs.
I can't tell you the stars who are been in my audiences. I will tell you during this last trip after one of my shows I had a movie producer ask me to play a role in a will be interesting to find out if I get the part.

With success comes opportunity. I enjoy sharing my success with anyone who can appreciate it.

If you wish to visit the Castle, contact me, as a member I can make arrangements for your visit.

Here is the link to the Castle's Website:

Steve Hart