Saturday, October 04, 2008

Now is the Time

Are you thinking, “If I wait things are going to get better? OK.
How long can you wait? How much suffering can you take?

Get real. Change is in constant motion and the only way to prepare for change is to take control of it. You must decide to take action.

Over the years you thought, "Things will get better," yet you've done the same thing this year as in recent years. Don’t fool yourself. Get off the couch. Stop wasting time. Stop depending on others. Follow your passions.

What ever it is you are to do…do it! The universe has been sending you messages and you are not listening.

I know it scary to think about what might happen. But I also know that when you let fear control you, you don’t get what you want.

It is common to fear change. But when you are the one making the changes then you benefit from the changes. You get to decide the out-come.

Now is the time to follow your dreams and desires. Take a step in the right direction and you will find the universe rushing in to help you get what you want.

You have the right to ask questions but the answers may not come until you take that step of faith. When you make a commitment to move in the right direction then divine insight and inspiration will come. I am a living example.

Do you want to know why NOW?

You have hidden within you gifts and talents and other people are looking for what you have to give. They need to experience your passion.

If this means anything to you then please make a commitment now.

Email me and tell me you are deciding to take action. This is the first step toward the most exciting moments in your life.

Steve Hart