Monday, December 29, 2008

Marketing Video - Tribes

This is an extremely powerful video on a marketing strategy.

If you are serious about marketing and you should be....then you must know Seth Godin is and what he teaches.

I was lucky enough to find this recent video on his new book, "Tribes."

This video is over an hour long but I promise will not be disappointed it is worth the watch. So get a soda, something to write on, and enjoy.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Magic Words

Four years ago when I was conducting my monthly Tele-Seminars I spoke on the use of magic words.

These are not the kind of magic words you use in your magic shows. I am talking about the magic words you must use to communicate your message in your advertising and marketing or simply the words you use to communicate your desires.

"The Secret to Becoming Successful is using the Right Words!"
These are the words that make you money!

I purchased this book over five years ago and I still go back and re-read it. This stuff really works like magic. If you are not using these secrets then you are loosing money.

The information in the book is worth hundreds if not thousands of dollars. I paid $47.00 for my copy of the e-book and I have been selling it on my “Resource” Webpage through an affiliate for several years.

Now I am able to make this e-book available to you for FREE!
This book includes three hundred pages of powerful insightful information you need to become successful.

This link will give you more details about the book:
Magic Words That Make You Rich

Here is the deal. Anytime you make a purchase from the magic2motivate Website I will send you your FREE “Magic Words” e-book at your request.

When you make your next purchase at magic2motivate be sure and send me an email requesting the e-book and I will attach the book to the email and send it back to you for FREE!

Steve Hart

Saturday, December 13, 2008

But What Do You Want?

I assume you know by now that I see success as a spiritual state of being.

You were created to be successful. Everything you need to be successful is available to you RIGHT NOW.

Here is the secret to getting what you really want.

I invite you to visit a recent post I made on my church blog:

I believe you will find this interesting.


Steve Hart

Monday, November 24, 2008

Is Your Conclusion Another Illusion?

As a magician it is my job to create the illusion of magic and make it entertaining.

That is what I have been doing for over 30 years and I love it.

BUT I am NOT happy when my ego deceives me into believing in another illusion.
I am not talking about a magic trick rather when I fall into the trap of believing another lie and making it a part of my belief system. Why do I let this happen?

Road Blocks

No matter how hard you try, do you feel something is holding you back from getting what you want?

It’s a road block that comes out of no where. You moving down the road to success then all of a sudden you are stopped dead in your tracks and everything appears to be falling a part.

If you experiencing a battle between your desires and your expectations know this, the universe is far more likely to give you what you expect.

Your desires are where your wishes are but your expectations are governed by your belief system. If you desire success but you’re expecting the worst, then your expectations will give you an un-desirable outcome.

“Go directly to jail. Do not pass go, do not collect $200.”

In the game of monopoly it’s just rolling the dice but in real life it is a matter of choice. You decide what you to believe in, especially when it is something from your childhood, be it a lie or truth, reality or illusion.

For example, when you were a child someone told you were good with numbers. You told yourself this was true and now you’re a CPA or you work for Wall Street.

Or someone told you were stupid, you believed them and never finished school then later you discovered your talents as a leader and you became a successful CEO of your own corporation. The choice is yours.

Your belief system is made up of what you have learned as a child, past experiences, and your intuitions.

If you find yourself struggling to create your success…consider examining your belief system and decide if you need to change any beliefs that are blocking you from creating your desired success.

Change your belief system, match it with your desires and you will find success.

The only way I know to change your belief system is to first raise you consciousness, raise your self-awareness discover the “Real You!” This is why I am a student and a teacher of the Enneagram.

I have been using a meditation process to help change my belief system. Email me, I would be happy to send it to you for free copy.

Steve Hart

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Online Video - Answers Questions

To be successful you must first raise your level of awareness, know what makes you unique, discover your purpose and meaning in life.

I recently found a video that addresses the many questions we all ask ourselves.

If you are asking questions such as...."Who am I?" or "Why am I here?" the you may find some answers in this video.

This is not for everyone....only for those who are open to what is.

To watch the video:

If you wish to download it or burn it onto a CD >>> Click here to view more details

Please reply to this posting if your have questions or comments on this video.


Steve Hart

Saturday, October 04, 2008

Now is the Time

Are you thinking, “If I wait things are going to get better? OK.
How long can you wait? How much suffering can you take?

Get real. Change is in constant motion and the only way to prepare for change is to take control of it. You must decide to take action.

Over the years you thought, "Things will get better," yet you've done the same thing this year as in recent years. Don’t fool yourself. Get off the couch. Stop wasting time. Stop depending on others. Follow your passions.

What ever it is you are to do…do it! The universe has been sending you messages and you are not listening.

I know it scary to think about what might happen. But I also know that when you let fear control you, you don’t get what you want.

It is common to fear change. But when you are the one making the changes then you benefit from the changes. You get to decide the out-come.

Now is the time to follow your dreams and desires. Take a step in the right direction and you will find the universe rushing in to help you get what you want.

You have the right to ask questions but the answers may not come until you take that step of faith. When you make a commitment to move in the right direction then divine insight and inspiration will come. I am a living example.

Do you want to know why NOW?

You have hidden within you gifts and talents and other people are looking for what you have to give. They need to experience your passion.

If this means anything to you then please make a commitment now.

Email me and tell me you are deciding to take action. This is the first step toward the most exciting moments in your life.

Steve Hart

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Secrets to Successful Marketing

You can have talent. Your performance can be outstanding but if you don't know how to market yourself then you will never be successful in today's markets.

It was during the 19th century in England when the use of calling cards were an absolute necessity otherwise you would not be received. It was an essential part of introductions, invitations, and visits.

Calling cards or letters of introduction were sent ahead to pave the way and help a stranger connect with others of like society. This ritual would let the recipient know that the stranger was well connected and highly regarded.

When a stranger would arrive to town, he would send his card, with directions, to those to who he would expect to call upon him. It was common for the stranger to meet with those within your own profession even though you did not know them. If you did not receive a card then it was automatically understood your acquaintance was not welcomed.

I am not suggesting you adopt the above as a way of doing business but I am suggesting you consider the dynamics of how and why this became a common way of doing business.

It’s been said, “It is not who you know but rather who knows you that counts…”

Today the use of modern technology such as cells phones and your presence on the Internet have replaced this way of doing business. Do you have a business strategy using these tools?

Do you have a marketing plan that will put your name in front of as many people as you can?

Are you using the Internet to market yourself? Do you know how?

When someone mentions your name, what do they say about you? What do you want them to say about you?

I am not big on writing out business plans (as soon as you create one it is out dated) but you must have a marketing plan to attract the type of customers you want.

It starts with knowing who you are and what it is that you have to give. Next it’s all about knowing your target markets and how to position yourself within those markets.
My guess is….. most of you are stuck within the last two sentences.

If you need help, contact me. I have several tools and techniques that will give you the answers to the questions above.

Your first coaching session with me is FREE! Email me to set up your first coaching call.

Steve Hart

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Are You Wining The Money Game?

Are you are having trouble with money?

The reason why, it's a game and the game is not designed for you to win.

Back in October of 2007 I had just finished reading Bob Schenfield's book titled, “Busting Loose from the Money Game.” I posted my comments about this book and I placed a link to his Website in upper right corner in this blog. Look for: "Custom Link"

If you have not yet visited the site and watched the so. For those who did go back, he has a new improved video.

Why Has It Taken So Long?

I am 54 years old and I am just now beginning to understand what money is and how to create it and use it to get what I want. I guess I missed that day in school. I bet you did too.

I am now reading Brent Kissel's book, "It's Not About The Money." This book reveals your hidden belief system about money and how your beliefs are working against you.

I warning you.....this book can be painful. But if you are serious about taking the responsibility for your finances and your personal growth then here is what you do.

Go to Brent's Website and answer a few questions about you and money and he will send an eye opening revelation explaining why you are struggling with money and what you can do to change that.

Go to:

Click on the link in the left hand margin which reads, "8 Archetypes Quiz."

I would like to hear your comments!

Steve Hart

Thursday, May 08, 2008

Planning For Retirement?

Today’s statistics show that four out of every ten people will retire earlier than they intended and NOT because they want to……..they will have no choice.

Will you be ready for retirement? Face it, retirement for you will not be the same as it was for your parent’s generation.

You will either lose your job due to health, downsizing, re-location, or loss of business.

When you think you have prepared for retirement, take another look, the rules have changed. All your expected savings will fall short of giving you what you want.

During the year 2006 the average American personal rate of savings has fell below zero.
This is the first time this has happened since the great depression. You are spending more money than you are saving. You are losing the money game.

What happened?

Change is speeding up. Economic shifts, trends, the American family lifestyle, the loss of job security, credit card debt, the real estate crunch, the disappearing middle class, increased stress, not to mention retirement benefits are disappearing and the cost of living continues to rise.

Sounds scary? What will you do? The answer…….embrace the change!!!

If you think this all sounds hopeless then please listen to what I have to say….

The only way to win the kind of retirement lifestyle you desire is to change the way you think. If you choose not to, then you will be deeply disappointed and your retirement will be your hell.

Changing the way you think begins when you allow change in your belief system, your focus, and your values.

For example, life is NOT about what you can get but rather what you have to give. Life is NOT about collecting things but rather finding purpose and meaning in life. Giving and living life with purpose is an art that you can learn and master.

If this is not already happening in your life then I challenge you to seek out your purpose, once you know with clarity your purpose then you will find everything you have been looking for and your senior years will be the most rewarding years yet.

If you need direction and you want help, I can point you in the right direction or offer my services as a personal life coach and help you get what you want.

Please email at:

Steve Hart

Friday, March 21, 2008

You Are Being Observed!

Before you get all upset and worried about who it is that is observing you….let’s talk about your own awareness.

Does this sound like you…..?

You are either bored with life or caught up in an un-controllable frenzy, worried or frightened and angry. You focus upon thoughts that don’t give you what or you struggle to take control of your life trying to find wealth and happiness.

All of your frustrations, feelings of apathy, fear and doubt are a result of your thoughts. They are doing their best to get your attention. They are screaming out waiting to be healed.

Are you aware of your thoughts? Do you feel the frustration? Are you in control of your life? Or do you feel you are you a victim of the situation?

Are you aware that your thoughts control you? Are you aware of your compulsions and how they control your behavior?

If you are aware of these things then you are the observer.


Yes, you are the being observed by you! I know this may sound crazy but it is important you understand what is happening. It is important that become aware that there are two of you, one that is acting out your behavior patterns (your ego) and another one that is observing your behavior and all the consequences (your higher self). The observer sees the big picture? He knows how to get what you really want?

It is like playing the role of an actor in your own movie. The day will come when you realize your movie is much more enjoyable when you listen to the director, your higher self. You have two roles to play, you are not only the actor but you are also the director and script writer.

As the observer you get to decide what goes into your movie, you get to call the shots.
But if you let your ego run the show then you may not get what you want.

A good actor will listen to the director, stay with the script and only improvise when it is called for. The director’s job is to keep the big picture in mind. He knows the desired purpose of your movie. He knows how to make your movie exactly the way you want it.

When you raise your awareness and allow your higher self to make your decisions then you will get what you want. It is through your higher self that you get your intuitive direction. It is your connection to the mastermind, the invisible force through which everything flows.

I have found a self-discovery tool called the Enneagram. The Enneagram will show you how to free yourself from your ego and give you the power to get what you want. If you are sick and tired of dealing with the same old behavior patterns then its time to raise your self awareness and be freed from your frustrations.

To learn more about the Enneagram, I can help you, email me at

Steve Hart

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Get Radical About Who You Are!

It is time for you to get radical about who you are and what you have to offer.
Survival is not enough. Today, mediocrity is a road to a slow death.

I am going to give you some action steps which will help you increase your income.

Recent years has been a wake-up call for many. If you want to get ahead then you will have to make changes otherwise this year may be another slow slide down the spiral economic drain. I have heard reports that last year's business was down 40 percent. According to the news this year maybe be worse.

Can you continue to afford that?

What are you to do?

I know I have spoken about this before but now is the time to get serious about this.

Before you can make changes you will have to get clear clear about who you are and what you have to offer. In other words, WHAT MAKES YOU UNIQUE? Everyone has their own unique gifts, strengths, and talents.

It is important that you clearly define what your gifts, strengths, and talents are. What is it that you have to offer? If you can't tell me within 30 seconds then you don't know. So let's work on it.

How can you "brand" what you do to meet the people's needs? What can you do best that no one else can or wants to do? Most likely the answer are right in front of you but you don't see it.

The answer is tied to your unique gifts, talents, your personality and the way in which you best deliver your services.

Once you have been able to answer these questions then it is time to "cop" an attitude about who you are!

It is your job to let people know what you do best. Unless you tell them, who will?

Marketing your services starts within your head. In your thoughts. What do you say to yourself when you think about your you and your services? What images come to your mind? What comes to your mind when you see yourself at your best?

Let's start with your words, statements, or definitions. What will you say to people which will in return make it easy for them to tell others who you are? What do you want them to say about you?

For example, "Steve Hart is a personal Life Coach. He helps people get the answers they are looking for by using what he calls 'intuitive questions' which says we will know the answers once we ask the right questions."

Or "Steve Hart is an expert at setting people free from their self-defeating behavior by teaching the universal principles of the ancient personality profile system called the Enneagram."

I hope these examples will help you in identifying who you are. Write down your own decription. Then ask yourself does it motivate people to want to know more? Or is it confusing or unclear?

I know it is not easy. If you need help please contact me.

Once you have clarified your message then it's your job to get other people to brag about who you are, what you have done for them and what you have to offer to others!

More to come.....

Steve Hart