Sunday, April 15, 2007

Keeping the Secret

After posting me previous comments I have decided to follow up with an explanation.

The movie the Secret was excellent but there is no way they could cover the whole subject of the law of attraction and all the other laws that work together with it.

For example the law of love, this law says you are purposed to love yourself, your work or service and to love others. This love is without judgment and without conditions. In other words you are not to judge yourself based upon preconceived beliefs and conditions. Why? Because your belief system will change over time as you grow wiser and true love is so pure you can’t perceive its truth.

There are serious conditions of the heart that will keep you from getting what you want, they are fear and un-forgiveness. Anyone who is holding on to fear and un-forgiveness will find themselves attracting an undesirable manifestation. As a result you may end up complicating your opposition by blaming others and avoiding responsibility.

My conclusion is if you are a victim to these conditions you will not understand or be open to hear the true message of the Secret. Instead you will experience pain and confusion.

How do you learn how to forgive? Jesus did the best job of explaining how to forgive. He did not say it would be easy.

How do I tell you not to fear? There takes a transformation from within to overcome fear.

Until you have a better understanding of how to deal with fear and forgiveness you may want and wait till you decided to put the law of attraction to work for you. Meanwhile know that you are loved and surround yourself with people who will give you that love.

I have already heard there is a second movie coming out. I hope it will explain more about the other laws that come into play when using the law of attraction.

Jesus said, “Blessed are your eyes for they see and your ears for they hear.”

Steve Hart

Revealing the Secret

Several years ago I first read “Think and Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill. This book blew me away. It challenged me to pursue my dreams and desires. Hill introduced to me the invisible steps of turning my desires into reality. I have read it over and over again. It has taken me years to comprehend and apply what it has taught me.

Then years later I stumble across what I call the hidden universal laws. Hill hinted of these laws but he did not go into great detail only an application. I wanted more. I wanted a deeper understanding.

Two years ago I was informed that a movie was coming out called the Secret! It would be addressing one of these hidden laws of the universe. I could hardly wait for its arrival.

When my copy of the DVD arrived in the mail I was blown away with its production quality and the message. It was exactly what I was looking for. I can’t tell you how many times I have watched this movie. I have invited numerous people over to watch it with me.

Within a year it was growing and becoming more and more popular. I knew it was only a matter of time before others would take a stand against what the Secret was teaching. The message was too dramatic not to face opposition.

I was curious to hear what others would say. How would they oppose its message?

All the arguments I have heard against the Secret have helped clarify my own understanding of how it works. I think the arguments against the Secret are coming from people who are seriously un-informed. Their conclusion falls short of how the law of attraction really works. It appears to me they are avoiding anything that sounds foreign to them.

One more thing that trips people up is the factor of time! This is mentioned in the movie but understanding how time plays a role in the process of the law of attraction is still yet to be made clear.

For the people who are not ready to accept this message, maybe now is it not the time for them.

Steve Hart