Sunday, March 26, 2006

You Don't Like Sales & Marketing?

Most people don't.

Most people hate sales and marketing because they hate
confrontation and rejection.

Please allow me to introduce a whole new way of selling
and promoting your services.

Your first rule is you are only allowed to speak with
people who need and want your services
. In other words
you only help people get what they want.

Next you position yourself so all the people who need
you can find you and get their questions answered

Before closing the sale you ask them questions and determine
if you can comfortably fulfill their needs

The next rule is you only take the bookings you know you
can fulfill giving the customer full satisfaction.

If you have any dislikes about selling or marketing I
hope you can change the way you think and free yourself
from any negative feelings.

I predict that everyone will be learning how to sell and
market in the near future. It is slowly becoming a part of
everyone's job.

As as Info-Preneurer/Speaker you will have to learn these

Keep them simple. Clarify what you do. Choose a strategy.

I have friends who are very talented and yet they cannot
make a living at what they do best because they have never
learned how to market or sell their services.

(This is taken from one of my recent e-zines. Find out what
you have been missing, go to: )