Friday, August 28, 2009

Strategies for Writing or Speaking

If you are looking the right angle or the brand that fits you....this may be very helpful.

Recently I listened to a audio clip from Vickie Sullivan on the subject of making your first book a smash hit....the same applies to writing your Keynote speech.

She gives you four excellent strategies. Jump through the hoops to get to this audio clip and listen in... it is well worth the effort.

Click on this link >>>>>

Steve Hart

Thursday, August 06, 2009

Give Yourself Credibility

You want me to use your do I know I can trust you to deliver?

In today's world there are people who are good at promoting themselves but when it comes to their credibility they fail to meet up to standards. They can sell but they cannot deliver.

If you know how to deliver then you have every right to promote yourself. So what must you do?

Build trust between you and your customers.

First, make yourself person, in your writings, on the Internet, on video and in print.

Secondly, get endorsements from satisfied customers. They can be in print or a video clip of their comments.

Next, create some media support. This can be a newspaper story on you, make an appearance as a guest on a local or national TV program, record an interview with you and post it on the Internet, and look for places for you to showcase your talents.

One more idea is start don't have to be a book. Writing articles for magazines or Internet sites can give you credibility. Start by writing your own blog and creating your own e-Newsletter as I have.

Most of these ideas will not cost you a dime except for your time and energy. But what you will get in exchange will be priceless. Just one newspaper story is equal to hundreds of dollars if you were to buy the ad space.

Make yourself credible so people will know how incredible your are!
Did I say that right?

Steve Hart

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

What is Flow?

All of life is woven into a pattern which is perfect in its self. You will experience success when you align yourself with the flow of that pattern.

When you experience stress, fear, frustration, or anger then you are not in the flow. It is your natural state to experience peace, love, joy and satisfaction. The use of force will not give you what you really want for it will only bring more stress. Rather look for the power from within. There you will find a power which will flow from within. For it is the power of God.

Please visit my new blog:

Here is a video of Burt Harding speaking on the Flow of Life.

If you need help in finding the flow within your me for some one on one coaching.

Steve Hart

Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Blogging Power

If you are not blogging (writing in your blog) then now is the time to start!

What is a blog?

The word comes from the combination of the words "web" and "log."

It looks like a Website but it is designed to write it like a diary of your thoughts or a log book of events.


Blogs are FREE! (Please understand if it's free then you really don't own it.)
The more popular Blogs sites are and

They are easy to create and maintain and they can work like a Website.

It is a great way to create a presence on the Internet. The search engines recognize a blog just like a Website. If you want someone to find you and if you want to promote yourself for FREE then I highly recommend you start working on your blogs. If you own a Website then link your blogs to your Website and they will attract more traffic to your Website.

Blog sites will teach you how to create your blog. You can find videos on explaining in detail how to build your first blog and how to use it to market your and/or your services.

What you are looking now is a blog and you will find links to some of my others blogs posted to the right in my profile.

Start now. Don't let fear keep you from doing it. You can't really mess it up.

The only word of caution I would careful what you write in your blog after all the whole Internet world will have access to it but that is what you want, right?

Happy blogging,

Steve Hart

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Social Media Networking

By now I would expect you have educated yourself well enough to know about Social Media Websites like, myspace, facebook, linkedin, and even youtube.

If you are not posting your profiles on the top ranking Social Media Websites then you are making a big mistake. When you do it is like getting booth space at the community expo except this is international.

The amount of traffic and exposure is enormous and it’s Free. Social Media Websites have become the number one method of networking and the selling of products and services. “What?” Yes more people are making money through these Websites than any other method of advertising on the Internet and it's Free!

Let me explain how it can worked for you. First you post a profile about who you are and what you do and you Website offering your products or services.

Next you build up your friends list by asking people to add you to their list of friends. In four months I now have over 600 friends on facebook. Most of them I know personally but some I have never met… at least not yet. Recently I just met two from my list and we are already doing business together.

Next you begin to network by commenting and visiting with your friends while creating new friends through the same media. It does not take long before you are making new friends who want to get to know you better.

Once they have become your friends you look for the opportunity to offer your help and you tell them what you do. You must wait until they give you permission to make your sales pitch. If you start selling too soon you will blow your chances. But once they find you and you gain their attention and their interest you will be surprised how quickly people will want to know what you do and how they can benefit from knowing more about you.

I have my own private mailing list of over a 1,000 people for my e-newsletter but it has taken me years to build up that list. Now my new friends on facebook are visiting my Website and signing up for my private e-newsletter. They are giving me permission to contact them directly and market my services because they know me as a friend through facebook and they trust me.

You need your own private mailing list. This list will become your gold mine. Start building up your list now.

I do not consider myself an expert in social media networking but I am learning and it is working. You can make it work for you too.

If you need help from a real pro go to:

Steve Hart

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Use Wisdom - Ask for Help

Have you ever said, “Na, I don’t need anyone’s help” only later to discover it would have been a lot easier if you had asked for the help you needed?

I admit it….if it were not the help of other people I would not be where I am at today. Even as tall as I am….. I have stood on the shoulders of many for they have helped me and taught me what I know.

Your ego wants to say, “See what I did?” and take all the credit. Face it even if you are a very talented creative person you still need help.

Wisdom would teach us not to take the path most people taken and get lost. But you would be a fool NOT to take the narrow path to that leads to success. If you want to make your own path…go ahead, I will be waiting up ahead, if you make it.

What I am saying is…..what ever it is you want to be successful at….find the people who are successful and ask them to help. Learn from them.

I have sought out the help of many successful speakers. I bought their audio training, their videos, their books, attended their seminars and conventions, spoke to them one on one, even paid for their coaching when I could get it.

Some are willing to help more than others but don’t let that stop you. Ask and then listen and learn. They have gone before you and they know the path of success or they can direct you to the people who can help you.

If you want to save your heart ache, time and money then ask for help. Seek out those have the knowledge you need. Your success is often right in front of you sometime it takes the eyes of another successful person to see it.

Learn what Napoleon Hill called the “Mastermind” principle. What happens when two or more minds come together in harmony agreeing upon any one thing. It will open doors to ideas un-available to you if you are left on your own.

The following video will give you words of insight from Napoleon Hill's teachings on the "Mastermind" principle. Enjoy;

Now when someone sees your success and they come and ask for help....will you be ready to help them?

Steve Hart