Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Get Radical About Who You Are!

It is time for you to get radical about who you are and what you have to offer.
Survival is not enough. Today, mediocrity is a road to a slow death.

I am going to give you some action steps which will help you increase your income.

Recent years has been a wake-up call for many. If you want to get ahead then you will have to make changes otherwise this year may be another slow slide down the spiral economic drain. I have heard reports that last year's business was down 40 percent. According to the news this year maybe be worse.

Can you continue to afford that?

What are you to do?

I know I have spoken about this before but now is the time to get serious about this.

Before you can make changes you will have to get clear clear about who you are and what you have to offer. In other words, WHAT MAKES YOU UNIQUE? Everyone has their own unique gifts, strengths, and talents.

It is important that you clearly define what your gifts, strengths, and talents are. What is it that you have to offer? If you can't tell me within 30 seconds then you don't know. So let's work on it.

How can you "brand" what you do to meet the people's needs? What can you do best that no one else can or wants to do? Most likely the answer are right in front of you but you don't see it.

The answer is tied to your unique gifts, talents, your personality and the way in which you best deliver your services.

Once you have been able to answer these questions then it is time to "cop" an attitude about who you are!

It is your job to let people know what you do best. Unless you tell them, who will?

Marketing your services starts within your head. In your thoughts. What do you say to yourself when you think about your you and your services? What images come to your mind? What comes to your mind when you see yourself at your best?

Let's start with your words, statements, or definitions. What will you say to people which will in return make it easy for them to tell others who you are? What do you want them to say about you?

For example, "Steve Hart is a personal Life Coach. He helps people get the answers they are looking for by using what he calls 'intuitive questions' which says we will know the answers once we ask the right questions."

Or "Steve Hart is an expert at setting people free from their self-defeating behavior by teaching the universal principles of the ancient personality profile system called the Enneagram."

I hope these examples will help you in identifying who you are. Write down your own decription. Then ask yourself does it motivate people to want to know more? Or is it confusing or unclear?

I know it is not easy. If you need help please contact me.

Once you have clarified your message then it's your job to get other people to brag about who you are, what you have done for them and what you have to offer to others!

More to come.....

Steve Hart